Solar Revenue Put

Energy Production Insurance for Your Solar Project, From Swiss RE and kWh Analytics

A new insurance product from kWh Analytics guarantees up to 95 percent of forecasted energy production for a solar plant, providing security for solar developers in a regulatory environment where it’s been scarce.

Introducing the Solar Put: Insurance for Cloudy Days at the Farm

Insurance giants like Swiss Re AG, with the help of a San Francisco firm, now have a way of guaranteeing production from solar farms — not an easy feat considering supplies from these plants rise and fall with the sun.

Credit Suisse’s Michael Weinstein: Solar Revenue Put can help Sunrun and other residential sponsors to keep solar growing

Higher debt proceeds could also keep WACC lower. ABS proceeds have increased from 62% of loan to value (LTV) for SolarCity’s first solar ABS issued in 2013 to 77% for their last ABS issued in December 2017.

kWh Analytics, Coronal Close the First Solar Revenue Put

With so many in the solar industry and outside it fixated on the potential impact of tariffs on solar deployment, it is important to note that a big part of system cost reduction has been and will continue to be driving down “soft”, non-hardware costs.

JLT Re and kWh Analytics Announce Partnership

SAN FRANCISCO (September 20, 2017) – JLT Re, the global provider of reinsurance broking and consultancy, has partnered with kWh Analytics, the leading data repository and risk management provider in the solar industry, to create a risk transfer product insuring solar energy output.